Thursday, April 11, 2013

Good morning everyone.  WOW I got 3 comments.  I knew Kris would but didn't know who else would read it.  Thanks you so much for reading and for your concern about Badger. 

I spoke to the vet for the 2nd time last night at 9:00.  They had just scoped him for the 3rd time that day.  He still had ball of the pelleted psyllium mixed with some hay just stitting in his stomach.  It was smaller each time they have looked, at that time it was baseball size.  He is concerned that if they add their powdered psyllium not will it make him uncomfortable ( I suspect that would mean he would want to roll which of course is dangerous) but it would also get things moving and the ball would move causing a blockage. 

The scope has the capability of squirting water through its tip.  So the vet 'attacks' the ball of psyllium to help break it up.  He was going to rescope about hour after I spoke to him.  Long day for him as in was there at 9 am.

Badger's lab work was a little off, to be honest my brain was thinking ball of psyllium and i can't remember exactly what he said.  I think it was glucose, one number in the 300's and then he said 100 so I will have to look  up the normal and then I can figure it out.  I think he said he was giving him glucose in the IV (in humans that would be  a bag of D5W=or used to be when I worked in the field).  So because he wasnt eating his level was low.  I will clarify when I speak to him this morning.

The ball of psyllium really had me alarmed now because I come home from the hospital started Pistol, Pedro and Carb on additional loading dose.  So is this brand of psyllium just not dissolving period?  Before we hung up I told the vet that I was giving the others and said it should be fine as they are not in a colic crisis and there motility (peristalsis) is normal, they are eating and passing manure.  Needless to say I couldnt sleep and at 2:00 am I was down in the pasture in my PJs and cowboy boots and flashlight looking for manure piles!  And yes there were several.

I am hoping to go visit Badger on Friday.  I have a big ole diesel truck that guzzles fuel and I am a bit conerned about his rising vet bill.  The vet had quoted 1200-1800 for 4-5 days.  But that was starting the psyllium that first day, Tuesday.  Now its Thursday and 2 days of hospital without their psyllium treatment so I am thinking we are adding at least 2 days on to this stay.  My daughter in law who has a fuel efficient vehicle is hopefully driving me on Friday to visit.

The vet told me about some other cases that interesting and I will share later.  Its now 6am and feeding time for Badgers friends.  Here is another pic that will answer one of Kris questions from a week or so ago.  The water drinking tongue issue.
Yes these pics are both Badger. 


  1. My gosh, Di, I had no idea about Sand Colic. Yes, I'm a friend of Ramsey's :-)... I hope to follow your blog, too. Let us know what we can do to help the little Badger.

    1. Thank you so Mary Ann. it so interesting to 6 degrees of separation at work. It amazes me. All the kind words and thoughts are so appreciated. I will whisper them all into Badgers ears when I see him tomorrow!

  2. Hi Di,
    Found your blog through Kris at DD. Saying many prayers for little Badger in hopes that he pulls through.
    Put you on my follow list!

    1. Thank you Cindy. The kind words put a smile on my face when it is most needed as I am so worried about him.

  3. Aw Badger, I hope you continue to feel better!

    1. Thank you. I let him know about all the good thoughts being sent his way.

  4. Get well soon Badger from your well wisher, long ears in the UK!

    1. Hi from across the pond I just was on your website. How wonderful! and great photography. I will continue to follow!

  5. Get well soon Badger, I don't have a long ear but always wanted one.
